Kamis, 19 Mei 2011

My Heart True Feelings (eng post)

Since first time I saw you.. I was wondered..
where's your broken wing I wish I can hid it so you can't get back to your places..
I kept lied and lied to my self..
even though I've already knows the facts about you
I can't take the reality..
Although.. my heart is beeing hurt..
but it's slowly take me deeper and deeper..
and I cant loose you just like that,,
even though everytime you lied to me, I just can only cry deep in my mind..
even though I know all the caring that you give me.. 
didn't have any special meeaning and purpose..
I just kept it in the deepest and darkest places in my heart..
pretended that I didn't know anything..
although I've already know everything..
it's just me and my naivity..
I keep lied about all that stuff..
but i can't lie about one thing..
that I love you with all my might..
forever and always..
Sicerity.. Joshua's heart..

Ps. The mouth couldn't say it so I ask the hand to wrote it..

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